
It has been long recognized within SERPPAS that partners who effectively work together around shared priorities and a good map” will achieve multiple and mutual benefits for all. SERPPAS defines a “good map” as the use of best available/consistent data to depict priorities of a diverse group of partners in a visual way (on a map or many maps) that can be used to identify overlapping interests and areas where collaboration for mutual benefits can be achieved. The purpose of such a map is to help the SERPPAS partners better communicate their priorities and identify opportunities for collective action. 

How SERPPAS Utilizes REPI Maps

The SERPPAS “good map” is represented by layers on the Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Interactive map, an already existing online mapping application supported by the Department of Defense. SERPPAS specific data layers that are relevant and important to SERPPAS partners. The purpose of this tool is to provide partners with GIS locations of all military installations with completed REPI transactions, along with relevant information and resources for these projects. The datasets within the layer sections titled “SERPPAS”, “Military”, “Environmental”, and “Resilience” are particularly useful to SERPPAS partners. Within the SERPPAS section, the data layers include:

    • SERPPAS Military Mission Footprint – This layer includes REPI Agreement Opportunity Areas for installations with active REPI programs, 3-mile buffer around each installation, Low-lying Military Training Routes (under 1,500ft), Special Use Airspace Low and High Altitude (below 1,500ft and above 1,500ft)
    • Species Suitable Habitat - Range-wide models and predictive maps of habitat suitability for at risk species in the longleaf ecosystem: gopher tortoise, gopher frog, striped newt, southern hognose snake, and Florida pine snake. 
    • Longleaf Pine Historic Distribution 
    • Southeast Conservation Blueprint – The Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS) develops this layer as a living spatial plan that identifies priority areas for a connected network of lands and waters across the Southeast and Caribbean.
    • Solar Energy Suitability 
    • Urban Growth – These layers are based on the Future Urban-Regional Environment Simulation (FUTURES) Urban Growth Model from NCSU's Center for Geospatial Analytics. FUTURES was designed specifically to address the regional-scale ecological and environmental impacts of urbanization and is one of the few land change models developed to explicitly capture the spatial structure of development. There are three layers showing the projections for urban growth for the years 2060, 2080, and 2100.
    • 6ft Sea Level Rise Inundation
    • 2020 Longleaf Implementation Team Priorities – Priorities of the Longleaf Implementation Teams that are established in significant geographic areas based on the Range-wide Plan for Longleaf Pine developed by America's Longleaf Restoration Initiative.


Map Resources

Southeast Conservation Blueprint

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EJScreen: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool

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NOAA Coastal Resilience Evaluation and Siting Tool (CREST)

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