Dr. Raymond D. O’Toole Jr

Dr. O’Toole was named Acting Director, Operational Test and Evaluation on December 20, 2023.
He previously served as DOT&E’s Acting Director from January 20, 2021, until December 19, 2021.
Dr. O’Toole joined DOT&E on March 3, 2019, when he was appointed Deputy Director of Naval Warfare. On February 16, 2020, he was promoted to Principal Deputy Director, Operational Test and Evaluation.
DOT&E provides direct and independent reporting to Congress to give them unbiased, unvarnished assessments of system performance. As the DOT&E Principal Deputy Director, Dr. O’Toole serves as the principal staff assistant to the Director for all functional areas assigned to the office. He participates in formulation, advocacy, and oversight of Defense Department test and evaluation policies, as well as development and implementation of test and test resource programs. He supports the Director in the planning, conduct, evaluation, and reporting of operational and live fire testing. He also serves as the Appropriations Director and Comptroller for the Operational Test and Evaluation, Defense appropriation, and the principal advisor to the Director on all Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System matters.
Prior to becoming Principal Deputy Director, Dr. O’Toole was DOT&E’s Deputy Director for Naval Warfare. In this capacity, he oversaw the operational and live-fire testing of ships and submarines and their associated sensors, combat and communications systems, and weapons. He also was responsible for overseeing the adequacy of test infrastructure and resources to support operational and live-fire testing for all acquisition programs across the Defense Department.
Before joining DOT&E, Dr. O'Toole was the Deputy Group Director of Aircraft Carrier Design and Systems Engineering at Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA). Prior to that, he was the Director of Systems Engineering Division (Submarines and Undersea Systems), where he led a diverse team of engineers who supported all submarine program managers. His other NAVSEA assignments included ship design manager and Navy technical authority for USS VIRGINIA Class submarines during the design and new construction phases, and for amphibious ships, auxiliary ships, and command and control ships during in-service operations.
Dr. O'Toole’s other previous positions within the Defense Department include Deputy Program Executive Officer (Maritime and Rotary Wing) at U.S. Special Operations Acquisition Command, staff to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development & Acquisition (Ship Programs), and Deputy Director of Regional Maintenance for COMPACFLT (N43).
Dr. O'Toole has more than 30 years of experience as a naval officer (active and reserve), retiring at the rank of captain. His significant tours included five as commanding officer.
Dr. Raymond D. O'Toole, Jr. is a native of Long Island, NY, and a graduate of the State University of New York - Maritime College, where he earned a Bachelor of Engineering in marine engineering. He also holds a Master of Engineering in systems engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, a Master of Science in national resource strategy from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, and a Doctorate in Engineering in the field of engineering management from The George Washington University, where he is now a professional lecturer of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering. He has received the Secretary of Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Award twice and the Department of the Navy Meritorious and Superior Civilian awards.