Heidi Stiller

Heidi Stiller is the South Regional Director for NOAA’s National Ocean Service (NOS) Office for Coastal
Management (OCM), and she is based in St. Petersburg, Florida. Heidi serves as a focal point for senior level
coastal partner interaction at the regional, state, and local levels from North Carolina around to Texas and
including the Caribbean. She helps to implement national and regional statutory and other coastal and ocean programs, responds to the needs of users, partners and coastal decision-makers, and delivers technical assistance to meet coastal and ocean challenges.
Before joining NOAA, Heidi worked for the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management, and spent three years at the Florida Coastal Management Program. Planning that incorporates hazard mitigation, climate adaptation, and natural resource sustainability is a focus of Heidi’s work, including providing data and tools to help communities address and communicate coastal inundation risks. She has experience with post-disaster recovery planning, and recently served as an author on the coastal chapter of the Fourth National Climate Assessment.