Holly Weyers

Holly is responsible for the scientific and operational leadership of the USGS Science Centers located in the Southeast which include Field Centers in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S.
Virgin Islands; the Eastern Geographic Science Center in Virginia.
Previously, she served as science liaison for the Southeast Regional Director, with responsibility for coordinating the region’s scientific activities and programs by ensuring that team members were working toward common goals and objectives. Among her accomplishments, Holly has led USGS science activities and business models related to Gulf Restoration efforts; she has served as the lead for the Department of the Interior Water working group; and she has helped identify new science directions and priorities for the SE region.
Holly’s history with the USGS dates back to 2001, when she joined the Maryland-Delaware-DC Water Science Center as the lead study unit biologist for the National Water Quality Assessment Potomac-Delmarva Study unit. She went on to become office chief for the USGS Delaware office, associate director for Hydrologic Networks and Information, and director for the North Carolina Water Science Center. She also served as acting deputy associate director for Human Capital and then as lead for the USGS Hurricane Sandy Science Coordination Team for the Hazards Mission Area before acting as the Bureau Emergency Management
Holly is the author or co-author of numerous publications and has a master’s degree in aquatic
ecology from the University of Alabama and a bachelor’s degree in marine biology from
Auburn University.