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Energy Development and Siting

Due to rapidly changing energy policy and advancement in energy technologies, the Southeast is increasingly seen as an ideal region for locating various forms of energy infrastructure. Despite the benefits these technologies may bring, without proper planning and siting, they can have adverse impacts on military readiness, natural resources, and agricultural working lands. Interference with military aviation and radar operations, potential habitat destruction and fragmentation of wildlife corridors, and conversion of agricultural lands which serve as buffers to military installations are examples of impacts that need proactive efforts now to avoid future potential problems.
The SERPPAS Energy Work Group is assessing various measures that 1) ensure early stakeholder notification of proposed energy projects; 2) encourage and facilitate robust coordination; and 3) make effective use of new or existing tools that could aid developers’ understanding and ability to address potential impacts.
This collaborative regional approach will establish the means to ensure federal and state officials are able to effectively influence and mitigate potential project impacts, thereby protecting the military mission, conserving natural resources, and strengthening effective working relationships into the future.
Strategic Objectives
- Build diverse partnership of military, natural resources, and energy industry stakeholders to raise awareness of challenges, share resources and priorities in the region, and identify intersecting opportunities.
- Support the creation and advancement of mapping tools for new energy development, pinpointing critical zones for wildlife, habitat, military operations, and cultural resources.
- Promote, develop, and share innovative strategies to produce mutually beneficial outcomes for energy development, military mission, and avoid detrimental impacts to wildlife, natural and cultural resources, communities, and agricultural working lands.
- Coordinate with the other SERPPAS work groups to identify strategies for the protection of natural resources and military operations and address energy resilience in the context of enhancing military installation resilience.
Work Group Lead

Lindy McDowell
BiologistU.S. Army Environmental Command
210-466-1299| linda.b.mcdowell3.civ@army.mil
Linda McDowell (Lindy) is a Biologist for the US Army in the Conservation Branch of the US Army Environmental Command (USAEC). She is based in San Antonio, Texas, at Fort Sam Houston. Lindy provides Army leadership and agency officials with technical support as a senior Natural Resources Program Manager. She helps installations located world-wide to sustain their natural resources while keeping focus on the US Army’s mission to provide combat readiness and protect the security of our nation.
Before joining the US Army, Lindy spent five years working for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the FAA’s Southern Region, Orlando Airports District Office where she executed federal grants to fund environmental analysis for approved Airports’ projects and managed FAA’s compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other special purpose environmental laws. Prior to that she spent several years working for the State of Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). While at FDEP she directed inter-agency coordination efforts and environmental planning through the Florida State Clearinghouse for the Florida Coastal Management Program (FCMP). Lindy’s work required her to understand diverse viewpoints and positions, and to consider these to achieve compliance with NEPA and other regulatory issues for consensus within the FCMP.
Lindy has a Bachelor of Science degree in Aquatic Biology from the University of Texas at Austin, and post-baccalaureate work in Ecology from the University of Central Florida.
Request to Join Work Group
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